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The FIVE GYM is a Strength and Conditioning Facility

Enhance your Life 

NOT BECome Your LIFe...


The Five allows people, who are at the Beginner and Intermediate stages in their fitness journey, direct access to Elite Coaching and Programming. 

Our Methods

Our Methods

Strength and Nutrition






The Base of the pyramid. You can’t out-work poor nutrition. We also understand that these are both 80% mental. We keep it simple and included in what we do here. neither are an extra add-on to cost you more money. 

We will get your cardiovascular system pumping. This will improve circulation, get oxygen to your cells, and protect against disease and infection. 

through body weight movements we challenge your posture and position in space. The challenge we all face throughout our life span is navigating our environment effectively.

Every Day, we make sure your joints, Muscles, and Other Tissues are always improving functionality

Our Classes

* NOTE- ALL Classes require a reservation.

General Physical Preparedness
1 Hour Group Class that will prepare you for anything life can throw at you
Sunday Mass 
1.5 Hour Group Fitness Experience 

Class schedule

*note- All Classes Require a reservation.


5:30am Monday-Friday

9:30am Monday & Wednesday

      5:15Pm Monday-Thursday

8:00am Saturday


8:00am Sunday

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